Ratings of October 2024: sentiments, opinions on the state of affairs in the country, approval of authorities, trust in politicians and parties, presidential electoral ratings

After a decrease in positive assessments of the country’s affairs and the work of the main state institutions at the end of the summer, the indicators increased. At the same time, the mood of the respondents improved. The top ten politicians who enjoy the trust of the respondents have not changed significantly. The rating of United Russia has increased slightly after a decline in previous months, and the rating is gradually recovering after a prolonged decline over the past year. The support of other parliamentary parties has hardly changed. If the presidential election were held next Sunday, the majority of respondents would vote for V. Putin.

Ratings of August 2024: assessments of the state of affairs in the country, the mood of respondents, approval of authorities, trust in politicians and parties

In August 2024, there was a slight decrease in positive assessments of the situation in the country. The proportion of respondents experiencing tension, irritation, and fear has increased, but positive moods still prevail. The approval rates for the activities of the president and governors remained virtually unchanged, while the approval rates for the activities of the Government, the Prime Minister and Parliament continued to decline smoothly. The level of support for United Russia has also decreased, and the share of supporters of other parliamentary parties has hardly changed.

June 2024 ratings: assessments of the state of affairs in the country, approval of institutions, trust in politicians

In June, the assessments of the activities of the main state institutions did not change, the majority approve. The share of positive assessments of the situation in the country is also growing. The most positive sentiments are demonstrated by representatives of the oldest age group, more affluent citizens, Muscovites and TV viewers. The level of trust in V. Putin, M. Mishustin, A. Belousov is growing, Sergey Lavrov and Sergei Shoigu are decreasing.

The June 23-24 mutiny in the perception of Russians

A new study confirmed the previously announced conclusions that the June 23-24 mutiny did not affect the ratings of the president but led to a decrease in public support for Sergei Shoigu. The attitude towards Yevgeny Prigozhin has deteriorated sharply, today only one in five respondents supports him. Sympathy for Prigozhin persists primarily among young and middle-aged men who use the Internet as the main means of information. The representatives of the older generation and viewers demonstrate the greatest condemnation. There is no clear opinion about the reasons for what happened. At the same time, slightly less than half of the respondents consider Prigozhin’s criticism of the military to be at least partially justified. In relation to PMCs “Wagner” positive assessments continue to prevail: two-thirds positively assess their participation in the Ukrainian conflict. At the same time, about a third of respondents expect that as a result of the events of 23-24 there will be consolidation around the government, the same number said about improving attitudes towards the Russian armed forces; however, about half expect that “everything will remain as before.” The telephone survey was conducted from June 28 to July 1.

Approval of institutions, ratings of politicians and parties at the end of June 2023

The survey was conducted from June 22 to 28 and in the most general terms recorded fluctuations in public opinion caused by the events of June 24. The rapidity of what happened led to the fact that changes in moods were very limited. These changes were most clearly manifested in the assessments of the direction in which the country is moving. The ratings of the president and the government, which slightly deteriorated on Saturday, returned to the previous level by the beginning of the working week. Trust in the main public and state figures has hardly changed over the past month, however, we can note a slight decrease in S. Shoigu’s trust and a significant decrease in E. Shoigu’s trust. Prigozhin. In June, the rating of United Russia in terms of those who decided on the choice of the party slightly strengthened, the support of the Communist Party and the Liberal Democratic Party equaled.

Approval of Institutions, Ratings of Politicians: May 2023

In May, as in the last few months, the assessments of the activities of the main public authorities have not changed significantly, the level of approval remains high. The majority of respondents still believe that things are going in the right direction in the country. The trust of the main public and state also has not changed much, while Yevgeny Prigozhin got into the top ten for the first time.

Approval of institutions and ratings of politicians: February 2023

In February, the approval ratings of the main public authorities remain consistently high. The approval rates of the State Duma and the government have slightly increased, as well as confidence that things are going in the right direction in the country. The ratings of leading politicians have not changed significantly over the past month.

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