Attitude towards China, Brazil, Turkey, Iran, France, Ukraine, the USA, the EU and the UN

Most Russians have a positive attitude towards China. Positive attitudes also prevail towards Brazil, Turkey and Iran. The European Union, the United States, Ukraine and France are mostly viewed negatively. The attitude towards the UN is usual rather negative, and respondents also have a poor opinion about its influence. Respondents who are positive about the UN explain their position by saying that the organization stands for peace, resolves international issues and protects the interests of smaller countries. The negative opinion about the UN is caused by beliefs in its uselessness, aggression towards Russia, and bias in favor of the West.

Nagorno-Karabakh and the attitude towards countries against the background of the conflict: September 2023

There is a high awareness of Russians about the military conflict in Nagorno–Karabakh – 81% have at least heard something about it, every fifth respondent followed the events closely. Respondents blame the USA and NATO countries (41%) for the resumption of the conflict, to a lesser extent Azerbaijan (15%) and Armenia (11%). Over the 7 years of the conflict, sympathy for the Azerbaijani side has doubled – 10%, while sympathy for the Armenian side, on the contrary, has decreased by about half (8%). At the same time, three-quarters of respondents do not support any of the parties to the conflict at all. More than half of Russians support the deployment of Russian peacekeepers in Karabakh, their number has not changed significantly since the last measurement in 2020. More than half of Russians have a positive attitude towards Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia.