Russians consider Gennady Zyuganov, Leonid Slutsky, Sergei Mironov and Mikhail Khodorkovsky* to be the most prominent opposition politicians. At the same time, opposition-minded citizens more often mention Gennady Zyuganov, Nikolai Bondarenko, Sergei Mironov, Ilya Yashin* and Vladimir Kara-Murza*. Representatives of the parliamentary opposition enjoy the greatest approval of Russians, while politicians such as Yulia Navalnaya**, Mikhail Khodorkovsky*, Grigory Yavlinsky, and Garry Kasparov* ** rank the worst. Among the opposition—minded citizens, such politicians as Gennady Zyuganov, Pavel Grudinin, Leonid Slutsky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky* and Yulia Navalnaya** enjoy the greatest confidence; Grigory Yavlinsky, Yulia Navalnaya**, Gennady Zyuganov and Mikhail Khodorkovsky* have the greatest anti-rating. Most of the respondents do not know anything about the opposition protests that took place on November 17 in Berlin and other cities. A neutral attitude towards the participants of these demonstrations prevails among the respondents.