Coronavirus and personal contacts

From November 2021 to February 2022, the proportion of those who are not afraid of contracting coronavirus has increased markedly – 66%. The number of Russians who have been vaccinated continues to grow and in February reached half of the country’s population. More than a third of those who were vaccinated were revaccinated. Half of Russians are concerned about the possibility of getting infected themselves or infecting others through touching and kissing; 45% of Russians try to limit physical contact with other people.

Xenophobia and Nationalism in State Power

Compared to previous measurements, nationalist sentiment has somewhat weakened. Thus, 27% of respondents agree that “a non-Russian person cannot be a true patriot of Russia”” 69% disagree with this statement. The share of those who disagree with the provision of benefits to Russians in Russia has increased. 36% believe that Russians in Russia should have advantages in holding public positions, 56% of respondents believe that ethnic Russians should not have such advantages. Nationalist sentiments are somewhat less common among the youngest respondents and those who use online publications and Telegram to get information.

Attitude to countries

By mid-February, even before the start of the “special operation” and the further escalation of the conflict, there was a notable deterioration of people’s attitude towards Western countries. Regular measurements of public opinion recorded an increase in negativity towards the United States, the EU and Germany. In relation to the UK negative sentiments are also prevailing. Representatives of the older generation have the worst attitude towards these countries. The survey was conducted on February 17-21.

The case of Alexey Navalny

14% of Russians approve of Alexei Navalny’s activities, 60% disapprove. 82% of respondents know about the court decision, according to which the politician was sentenced for 2.5 years in prison. The largest share (38%) of those who consider this decision unfair is represented in the 18-24 age group. 31% of respondents believe that the new trial against Navalny was launched because “the government is settling scores with its political opponent,” 44% – that “Navalny is being tried for violating the law, and this has nothing to do with his political activities.” 23% of Russians rather support the inclusion of Navalny and his entourage in the list of terrorists and extremists, 31% rather do not support, while the share of the indifferent is 38%.

Protest sentiment

In mid-February, 29% of Russians considered protests with economic demands possible, 23% were ready to take part in them. Mass demonstrations with political demands were considered possible by 29% of respondents, while 18% were ready to participate in them. The most protesting groups were low-income respondents, those who believe that the country is moving in the wrong direction, and those who disapprove of the president’s activities. The survey was conducted on February 17-21.

The Yangulbaev family

Only 29% of respondents know that on January 20 in Nizhny Novgorod Chechen policemen detained and took Zarema Musayeva to Chechnya. At the same time, 70% of respondents considered unacceptable the words of the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov addressed to the Yangulbayev Family. Half of Russians approve of Ramzan Kadyrov’s activities, a quarter disapprove. 16% of respondents would be ready to support the petition by Ilya Yashin demanding resignation of the head of Chechnya. 28% wouldn’t be ready, 47% are indifferent to the issue.

Equity in the provision of medical care

50% (16% less than in 2011) of Russians consider it unfair that rich people can provide their children with better medical care compared to poor ones. The share of respondents who completely disagree with the fact that the state should provide a set of only basic medical services has increased by 8% – up to 36%. 53% (an increase of 6%) of respondents are absolutely not ready to pay higher taxes to improve medical care for the entire population of Russia.

Approval of institutions, the state of affairs in the country, ratings of parties

In February the ratings of V. Putin, the State Duma, the Government of the Russian Federation and heads of republics. 52% of Russians believe that things in the country are going in the right direction. By 3% – up to 14% rose the confidence of Russians in S. Lavrov and V. Zhirinovsky, the level of trust in other politicians has not changed much. The survey was conducted from 17 to 21 February.

Ukraine and Donbass

Against the background of the escalation around Donbass, the share of those who treat Ukraine badly has grown: if 43% of respondents treated Ukraine badly in November last year, then in February this year – 52%. 60% of respondents consider the United States and NATO countries to be the initiators of the escalation in eastern Ukraine. 33% of respondents believe that the DPR and the LPR should become independent states, 25% believe that they should become part of Russia. The survey was conducted on February 17-21.

Events of the month

In January, the most outstanding events for Russians were the protests in Kazakhstan and the entry of CSTO troops into the country (22%), as well as the situation around Ukraine (21%). The events related to the coronavirus worried respondents less: the appearance of a new strain, vaccination and QR codes were noted by 14% of respondents.

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