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Savings behavior of Russians in January 2024

The savings attitudes and behavior of Russians have hardly changed in recent months. The number of respondents who do not see changes in their ability to save is growing. The amount of savings is stabilizing. The attractiveness of bank deposits and real estate as an investment asset is growing.

Another study of the level of social sentiment indicates that confidence in political and economic stability continues to strengthen in society. The trend towards improving the background of public life can be traced throughout the second half of 2023 and characterizes the beginning of 2024. In principle, social well-being is subject to seasonality, and January is characterized by an improvement in indicators.

Индекс социальных настроений: детализация

(март 2008 года - 100%; динамика с 2002 г.)

Индекс Семьи
Индекс России
Индекс Ожиданий
Индекс Власти

The savings sentiment of Russians reflects the trend towards stabilization, which is noticeable in general indicators. Compared to September last year, the share of Russians who believe that their savings opportunities will not change has increased by 5% (50%). The number of “pessimists” expecting a decrease in their capabilities has decreased slightly (by 4%; 23%). These changes continue the trend that appeared in 2023 – a decrease in fears against the background of adaptation to the socio-political situation.


The trend towards normalization is confirmed by another consonant question – “is now a good or a bad time to save?”. In five months, the number of those who answered “neither good, nor bad” increased from 42% to 47%. Although the share of “pessimists” is slightly decreasing, the number of those who consider the current time to be good for saving, and believe that they will have more opportunities to postpone savings in the future, does not increase significantly.


The size of Russians’ savings did not change significantly during 2023. 35% of respondents noted that they do not have any savings, 42% of Russians surveyed have savings in an amount not exceeding the size of the monthly family income.


If you compare your family’s savings with your family’s average monthly income, they are: (in %)

Less than the monthly income of the family27171616
Approximately equal to the monthly income of the family29252426
Equal to the income of the family for 2-3 months10121311
Equal to the family income for 4-12 months3445
More than family’s yearly income2323
We don’t have savings24353635
can’t say6455

Since September 2023, the attractiveness of storing savings in a bank in rubles has increased markedly, and interest in real estate as a way to save money continues to grow: compared to August 2022, the share of Russians who consider buying real estate the best way to dispose of money increased from 27% to 38%. Interest in real estate may be due to the attractiveness of preferential mortgage programs that apply to significant groups of the population.

The share of Russians who prefer to save money in ruble cash has been declining for several months in a row, indirectly confirming a decrease in anxiety in society – Russians resort to cash during periods of socio-political instability and falling confidence in banks. The attractiveness of storing funds in foreign currency – in cash or in bank accounts – has significantly decreased after February 2022.

Among other trends, we can draw attention to some, albeit statistically insignificant, renewed interest in securities, interest in which increased by 3% over the year.


What is the best way to keep savings now? (in %)

 Apr.21Aug. 21Feb.22Mar.22Jun.22Aug.22Feb.23Sep.23Jan.24
On a bank account in rubles313133323932373440
In real estate303233303027333438
In cash rubles222326353133302423
In precious metal products, antiques, paintings1011121191091111
In securities789566578
In cash9119655565
In cryptocurrency456333344
On a bank account in foreign currency10911333233
In cash value insurance contracts112111112
Can’t say78686107108

The stated financial goals of the Russians have not changed much. About a quarter of the respondents save up for real estate (23%). In January 2024, their number is slightly higher than a year earlier (19%). The frequencies of other responses have not changed much. In second place is the accumulation for a car (13%), almost the same amount (12%) is saved for rest and travel.


Do you have a long-term financial goal that you are saving for? If so, what is it? (in %)

Buy an apartment, a house, a cottage201923
Buy a car101213
On vacation, traveling1012
Save up for medical purposes575
Save up for education465
Generate retirement savings455
Start my own business444
Save up for moving to another city or country232
No financial goals474742
Can’t say212


The survey by the Levada Center was conducted January 25 – 31 2024, among a representative sample of all Russian urban and rural residents. The sample was comprised of 1621 people aged 18 or older in 137 municipalities of 50 regions of the Russian Federation. The survey was conducted as a personal interview in respondents’ homes. The distribution of responses is given as a percentage of the total number of respondents.

The statistical error of these studies for a sample of 1600 people (with a probability of 0.95) does not exceed:

3.4% for indicators around 50%

2.9% for indicators around 25%/75%

2.0% for indicators around 10%/90%

1.5% for indicators around 5%/95%


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