
Approval of institutions, ratings of politicians and parties at the end of June 2023

The survey was conducted from June 22 to 28 and in the most general terms recorded fluctuations in public opinion caused by the events of June 24. The rapidity of what happened led to the fact that changes in moods were very limited. These changes were most clearly manifested in the assessments of the direction in which the country is moving. The ratings of the president and the government, which slightly deteriorated on Saturday, returned to the previous level by the beginning of the working week. Trust in the main public and state figures has hardly changed over the past month, however, we can note a slight decrease in S. Shoigu’s trust and a significant decrease in E. Shoigu’s trust. Prigozhin. In June, the rating of United Russia in terms of those who decided on the choice of the party slightly strengthened, the support of the Communist Party and the Liberal Democratic Party equaled.

The June survey recorded a noticeable decrease – from 67% to 61% – in the share of respondents who believe that things are going in the right direction in the country. The share of those who believe that the country is moving on the wrong path remained unchanged (23%), but the number of those who found it difficult to answer the question increased (from 10% to 16%). The layout of the interviews conducted by day reveals that the largest decrease in ratings occurred on Saturday, June 24 – the day of the failed military coup; the ratio of positive and negative ratings on this day reached 53% to 30%. During the period of June 25-28, the mood has already recovered somewhat – the ratio was 62% to 21%. Thus, the average indicators of the June measurement on this issue amounted to 61% to 23%.

Putin’s approval rating

Do you approve the activities of V. Putin as the President (Prime Minister) of Russia?

No answer

The assessments of Mikhail Mishustin’s activities as prime minister behaved in a similar way: in June (as in May) his work was approved by 70% of respondents. The share of those who disapprove of his work as prime minister was 21% (in May – 22%). At the same time, the decrease in the estimates of his work on June 24 was slightly more significant – up to 65%. But in the following days, the scores also recovered.

Approval of the Prime Minister

Do you approve the activities of the prime minister?

Methodological explanations

67% of respondents approve of the government’s work (the same number in May), 28% disapprove (in May — 27%). Minor changes in the assessments of the government’s work during the survey almost completely repeated the dynamics of assessments of the Prime Minister’s activities. Thus, 70% of respondents approved of the government’s activities on 22-23, 63% on June 24, and 67% on June 25-28.

Approval of the government

Do you approve the activities of the Russian Government?

No answer

The share of positive assessments of the activity of the heads of regions increased at the end of June. If in May 72% approved of their work, 22% disapproved, then this month – 74% and 20%, respectively. At the same time, the survey also recorded a slight deterioration in the assessments of the heads of regions last Saturday.

The assessment of the activities of the lower house of parliament has changed insignificantly: 57% of respondents approve (59% in the previous four months), 36% disapprove (35% in the previous two months).

According to an open question (respondents were asked to name a few politicians themselves, whom they most trust) in June, the level of trust in Vladimir Putin did not change and amounted to 42%, Mikhail Mishustin – 17% (in May – 18%), Sergey Lavrov – 14% (as in May), Sergei Shoigu – 8% (in May – 10%, while he retains the 4th place in the ranking of the most popular Russian politicians). Of the significant changes, we can note the decline in the rating of Yevgeny Prigozhin from 4% to 2% (who is now on the verge of dropping out of the top ten most popular politicians).

Among all respondents, the level of support for United Russia was 39% (as in the previous two months), the LDPR was slightly ahead of the Communist Party for the first time since February 2021 – 9% against 8%, the SRP would have received — 4% (in April – 5%), “New People” – 3%. In terms of those who have decided on the choice of the party, the rating of United Russia in June was 56% (in April – 53%), the support of the Communist Party and the Liberal Democratic Party — 12% each. The electoral ratings of the SRZP and the “New People” were 6% and 4%, respectively.


The All-Russian Levada Center survey was conducted on June 22-28, 2023 on a representative All—Russian sample of urban and rural population of 1,634 people aged 18 years and older in 137 localities, 50 subjects of the Russian Federation. The study is conducted at the respondent’s home by a personal interview method. The distribution of responses is given as a percentage of the total number.

The statistical error in the sample of 1600 people (with a probability of 0.95) does not exceed:

3.4% for indicators close to 50%

2.9% for indicators close to 25% / 75%

2.0% for indicators close to 10% / 90%

1.5% for indicators close to 5% / 95%


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