Press-releases, Publications

The approval of institutions and trust to politicians

Half of the Russians think that the country is moving in the right direction. This figure remains stable throughout the last several months. At the same time, the number of those who think that Russia is moving down the wrong path has slightly grown – in January 40% thought so, in February 43% – the change is within statistical error.

Оценка текущего положения дел в стране

Дела в стране идут сегодня в целом в правильном направлении, или страна движется по неверному пути?

В правильном направлении
По неверному пути
Затруднились ответить
Метод опроса

65% approve of the president’s actions, 34% disapprove. This figure has not changed since January.

Одобрение деятельности Владимира Путина

Вы в целом одобряете или не одобряете деятельность Владимира Путина на посту президента (премьер-министра) России?

Не одобряю
Нет ответа

The level of approval of Prime Minister M. Mishustin has not significantly changed either. His actions are approved by more than a half of Russians (55%), disapproved – 39%.

Одобрение деятельности премьер-министра

Вы в целом одобряете или не одобряете деятельность председателя правительства России?

Не одобряю
Нет ответа

47% of respondents approve of the government’s actions, 50% – disapprove. This figure has not changed significantly, however the level of disapproval has exceeded the level of approval for the first time in 2021. 

Одобрение деятельности правительства России

Вы в целом одобряете или не одобряете деятельность правительства России?

Не одобряю
Нет ответа

The level of approval of governors’ activities remains high. 61% of respondents approve their actions, 35% disapprove. This figure has not changed since autumn 2020.

Одобрение деятельности губернаторов

Вы в целом одобряете или не одобряете деятельность губернатора вашей области (президента Республики, в Москве – мэра)?

Не одобряю
Нет ответа

The level of approval of Duma’s actions has not significantly changed since January, however there is a general downward trend. Back in September 2020 44% approved of its actions, 54% disapproved. In February 2021, 40% have a positive attitude towards the activities of the State Duma, and 57% a negative one.

Одобрение деятельности Государственной Думы

Вы в целом одобряете или не одобряете деятельность Государственной Думы России?

Не одобряю
Нет ответа

The level of trust to the president was 32%. The trust to Vladimir Zhirinovsky continues to decline: 14% in September 2020, 9% in February 2021. The same is true to Sergei Shoigu – the level of trust was 14% in May 2020 and is 8% now. The level of trust to other politicians has not changed significantly.

Name a few politicians, public figures whom you most trust. (Open question, respondents name 6 politicians)

Vladimir Putin59483941403935282526233333342932
Mikhail Mishustin3131114101311131212
Vladimir Zhirinovsky141415161514141110910121412109
Sergey Lavrov191410141314171198688979
Sergei Shoigu231815161713191314121099988
Gennady Zyuganov10788967645445444
Alexey Navalny2233333443243454
Sergei Mironov4222323112112222
Sergei Sobyanin3344322443122222
Pavel Grudinin745332233321222
Nikolay Bondarenko<1<111221<11<1<12
There are no such/ I do not trust anyone14211817182422121616172113192124
I am not interested in politics/ politicians111111<1<1<11<11<1110
It is difficult to say11121816181417333332331624171919
Method of conductingF2F      CATI    F2F   

This survey was conducted February 18 – 24, 2021, among a representative sample of all Russian urban and rural residents. The sample was comprised of 1601 people aged 18 or older in 137 municipalities of 50 regions of the Russian Federation. The survey was conducted as a personal interview in respondents’ homes. The answer distribution is presented as percentages of the total number of participants along with data from previous surveys.

The statistical error of these studies for a sample of 1600 people (with a probability of 0.95) does not exceed:

3.4% for indicators around 50%

2.9% for indicators around 25%/75%

2.0% for indicators around 10%/90%

1.5% for indicators around 5%/95%

The ANO Levada Center has been included in the registry of non-commercial organizations acting as foreign agents. Read the Director of the Levada Center’s statement of disagreement with this decision here.


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