
Kids and professions

This survey took place between 18-22 August 2017 and was conducted throughout all of Russia in both urban and rural settings. The survey was carried out among 1600 people over the age of 18 in 137 localities of 48 of the country’s regions. The survey was conducted as a personal interview in respondents’ homes. The answer distribution is presented as percentages of the number of participants along with data from previous surveys.

The statistical error of these studies for a selection of 1600 people (with a probability of 0.95) does not exceed:

3.4% for indicators around 50%
2.9% for indicators around 25%/75%
2.0% for indicators around 10%/90%
1.5% for indicators around 5%/95%

THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF QUALITIES THAT MANY PARENTS WOULD LIKE THEIR CHILDREN TO HAVE. PICK THE THREE QUALITIES THAT YOU CONSIDER TO BE MOST IMPORTANT. (Respondents were offered a card with the list of qualities; multiple choice; arranged according to August 2017)

May. 98 May. 00 Jun. 07 Jul. 10 Aug. 14 Aug. 17
The ability to achieve their goals 40 43 47 48 49 47
A sense of responsibility 32 37 37 41 36 36
The ability to communicate with others 34 35 33 38 38 35
Good manners and appropriate behavior in social settings 33 40 34 38 37 34
Integrity 30 30 31 30 27 34
The desire to learn 32 22 28 26 28 32
The ability to stand up for themselves 32 32 38 28 28 29
The desire to succeed 15 14 22 20 20 26
Independence 19 16 21 17 16 19
Tolerance and respect toward others 23 24 27 29 22 17
Frugality 7 7 10 6 10 11
Loyalty and devotion 11 11 14 12 9 10
Belief in God 8 7 12 9 8 9
Obedience 7 5 7 5 5 7
Imagination 5 2 7 4 5 7
Other 1 1 2 1 1 2
It is difficult to say 4 2 1 2 3 2

WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING PROBLEMS IN MODERN SCHOOLS DO YOU CONSIDER TO BE THE MOST SERIOUS AND MOST IN NEED OF A SOLUTION IN THE NEXT 5-10 YEARS? (Respondents were given a card; multiple choice; arranged according to August 2017)

Aug. 11 May 13 Aug. 17
Increase in supplementary educational costs 46 47 46
Low quality of education 28 31 30
Students’ lack of interest in their studies 34 38 30
Unreasonable new changes to school-level education (i. e. the Unified State Exam, etc.) 27 20 28
Low level of teacher preparedness, decrease in teachers’ authority over students 25 29 25
Immorality and lack of discipline among students 27 34 24
Income inequality among students 19 23 21
Poor facilities and resources in schools (buildings in disrepair; lack/shortage of computers; lack of sports equipment, etc) 22 22 19
Increased drug addiction and crime in schools 32 30 14
Weak areas of specialization, lack of professional preparation among students 7 14 13
Poor textbook availability 12 12 10
Poor student-teacher relations, barrack-like environment in schools 8 10 8
Outdated school system 4 9 7
Poor, outdated textbooks that don’t correspond to current knowledge 3 7 6
Other 1 2 2
It is difficult to say 9 7 13
  1. WHICH PROFESSIONS/POSITIONS DO YOU CONSIDER TO BE THE MOST RESPECTED IN MODERN SOCIETY? (Respondents named professions THEMSELVES and were able to name several; the 20 most popular answers are provided here)
  2. WHICH PROFESSIONS/POSITIONS DO YOU CONSIDER TO BE THE MOST PROFITABLE? (Respondents named professions THEMSELVES; answers were multiple choice and respondents could give several answers; the 20 most popular answers are given here)
Aug. 17 Aug. 17
Doctor/medical professional 42 Banker/bank employee 18
Teacher 27 Politician 17
Lawyer 10 Business professional/entrepreneur 17
Service member/army 10 Government official/civil servant 13
Engineer 5 Lawyer 12
Police officer/GAI/OMON/security services officer/FSB 5 Doctor/medical professional 8
Banker/bank employee 5 Police officer/GAI/OMON/security services officer/FSB 8
Politician 5 Director/manager 7
IT professional/programmer/computer professional 4 Service member/army 7
Government official/civil servant 4 Economist/financial expert 6
Scholar/scientist/academic 4 IT professional/programmer/computer professional 6
Construction worker 4 Defense attorney 6
Economist/financial expert 3 Construction worker 5
Business professional/entrepreneur 3 Dentist/dental technician 4
Director/manager 3 Oil worker/drill operator 4
Defense attorney 3 Accountant 4
Rescue worker/Ministry of Emergency Situations 3 Judge/Judicial officer 4
Pilot 3 Worker in the oil and gad industry 3
Blue-collar worker 3 Actor 2
Actor 3


Singer/show business*


* Both positions received 2.2%

As the method of asking these questions used to be different, changes in public opinion cannot be reproduced here. It is, however, possible to deduce the hierarchy of respected and profitable professions.

“A sense of purpose and determination” was first on the list of qualities that were considered most important to foster in children. According to Russians, the most important professions in society are doctors and teachers (42% and 27%, respectively), and the most profitable are bankers, elected officials, and business professionals (18%, 17%, and 17%, respectively).

Translated by Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (formerly  Monterey Institute of International Studies).

ANO Levada Center has been included in the register of noncommercial organizations acting as foreign agents. See the Director of the Levada Center’s statement of disagreement with this decision here.


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