

This survey took place between 2-6 March 2017 and was conducted throughout all of Russia in both urban and rural settings. The survey was carried out among 1600 people over the age of 18 in 137 localities of 48 of the country’s regions.The survey was conducted as a personal interview in respondents’ homes. The answer distribution is presented as percentages of the number of participants.

Which point of view regarding family planning is closest to your own?

Parents should have and raise as many children as come naturally, without resorting to contraception or abortion 13
Parents should plan their families with the help of contraception 78
Declined to answer 5
It is difficult to say 5

In your opinion, should the government take measures to prevent abortion, or do you think that the government should leave this question at the discretion of those directly concerned?

The government should take measures to prevent abortion 27
The government should leave this question at the discretion of those directly concerned 59
Declined to answer 4
It is difficult to say 10

In your opinion, what measures should the government take to prevent abortion? (answers ranked in descending order)

Increase childcare allowance to the minimum subsistence level (roughly ten thousand rubles) 57
Create a state sex education and family planning program 45
Introduce compulsory sex education lessons in schools 31
Cover the cost of contraceptives using the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund 26
Promote pre-marital abstinence 21
Carry out abortions only on a paying basis / don’t cover the cost of abortions using the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund 8
Make abortions for non-medical purposes illegal 7
Introduce large fines for those who carry out and undergo abortions for non-medical purposes 4
Improse criminal penalties (incarceration) for those who carry out and undergo abortions 3
Outlaw abortion completely 2
Other 12
Declined to answer 3
It is difficult to say 7

With which of the following views regarding the health effects of abortion on women do you most agree?

Abortions do not have severe health consequences for women 9
Abortion threatens the lives and health of women 77
Declined to answer 5
It is difficult to say 9

Which of the following do you think is valid grounds for termination of a pregnancy (abortion)? (answers ranked in descending order)

Potentially life-threatening health risks 66
If a woman becomes pregnant as a result of rape 43
Lack of material resources needed to raise a child 39
Age 27
Already have children, don’t want more children 24
Woman doesn’t want to have children 22
Partner/husband doesn’t want to have children 13
Pressure from parents or other relatives 10
Other 1
Declined to answer 5
It is difficult to say 6

In your opinion, which member of a couple/family should be in charge of contraception/preventing unwanted pregnancy?

Man 8
Woman 13
Both 74
Declined to answer 3
It is difficult to say 2

How did you personally learn about contraception?

From friends, acquaintances, classmates 39
From my own experience 19
From medical books 18
The media (radio, television, magazines) 14
From parents, relatives 13
The Internet 11
From my doctor 10
From my partner 7
I have never concerned myself with this 7
Other 1
Declined to answer 7
It is difficult to say 9

Translated by Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (formerly  Monterey Institute of International Studies).

ANO Levada Center has been included in the register of noncommercial organizations acting as foreign agents. See the Director of the Levada Center’s statement of disagreement with this decision here.


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